Rev NS Mthethwa’s Installation

On the 29th of May 2016 Rev NS Mthethwa was being installed by Dean SM Dumakude to be the Pastor in charge at Hermannsburg Parish. During the installation session Dean Dumakude read IzEnzo 20:28 “Ziqapheleni nina nomhlambi wonke anibeke kuwo uMoya oNgcwele ukuba nibe ngababonisi bokwalusa ibandla likaNkulunkulu azizuzele lona ngegazi lakhe”. Dean gave these words to Rev Mthethwa as to encourage her to be careful in leading Hermannsburg Parish, He also adviced her to always have spiritual eyes. Rev Mthethwa blessed congregants with a powerful sermon taken form Luke 7:1-10.

Rev NS Mthethwa was welcomed by Hermannsburg Parish with music, gifts and shared lunch together with her family. Congregants was full of joy as they now have Parish Pastor, Rev NS Mthethwa.

To view more pics, go to “Gallery” tab and click on “Rev NS Mthethwa’s Installtion”


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